Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Amy and I were cooking up some delicious and healthy French Toast Sticks at the Farmer's Market a few weekends ago when we discovered a new fruit... 

As one of the vendors brought it over to for us to sample, I naturally asked what this small grape-looking fruit was. He told me to try it first and then he would tell me. Being a little adventurous, I popped the little guy in mouth and instantly I knew...a kiwi!! But so small? And bald? Since it truly was the sweetest kiwi (or Kiwi Berry to be more specific) I've ever had, I was motivated to do some research. 

Why Have You Done a Good Thing?

Unlike your typical hairy kiwi, this kiwi berry needs no peeling, just a quick wash and pop  in your mouth. Kiwi berries are not only scrumptious but they are also a nutritional powerhouse. High in powerful antioxidant with plenty of vitamin C, they are a great way to keep your immune system strong as the cold weather approaches. They are a perfect snack; high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, while low in calories and practically free of any fat or sodium. 

Get 'em while there hot...
These lovely little fruits are only in season briefly, from September to November. Look for them at your local farmer's markets or specialty grocery stores. A good snack-size portion is about 8-10 kiwi berries.

Try them sliced in your next salad, fruit salad, yogurt parfait, or oatmeal.

Or, cut them up and cook them down in a sauce pot with a little bit of water to form a compote. Use this as a topping for our fabulous and healthy Your Secret Ingredient French Toast Sticks...

French Toast Sticks

Serves 4-6

4-6 slices of whole grain or whole grain cinnamon raisin bread, sliced into 1.5” slices
1 whole egg
3 egg whites
1 cup skim or almond milk
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract

1)   In a small bowl, add 1 tbsp of real maple syrup and 2 tbsp apple butter to the Greek yogurt. Set aside.
2)   In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, egg whites, vanilla, milk of your choice, and cinnamon. Dip each slice of bread in egg mixtures on both sides until moist.
3)   Heat a large skillet and spray with cooking spray. Cook each slice of French toast until lightly golden brown.

**Cut each slice into 2” wide slivers to make French toast sticks. Serve 4 sticks per adult and 2 sticks per child. Dip French toast sticks in sweetened Greek yogurt:

1 cup of low-fat Greek style yogurt
2 tbsp apple butter
1 tbsp real maple syrup

--Samantha Jacobs, MS RD CDN

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